Ron Culley's books are read internationally and he's received appreciations from readers in each of the continents of the world... now including Antarctica following an enthusiastic message he received recently. His audience is somewhat bifurcated...some preferring his pawky Glasgow humour, recalling tales of the city of his birth...others more partial to his all-action thrillers.

Reviews and appreciations of Ron's books have been received from all over the world. Here, contributors provide their opinions on the merits of his work – whether fiction, biographical or in respect of the City of Glasgow – and ask questions. If you feel like telling others what you thought of any of his books or have any questions, why not drop a note to the author by e-mailing him via the Contact Page?

A one-act play for three characters, this comedy/drama pokes fun at the myths and legends that have gone into the assemblage of the Bible and knocks spots off all organised religion in the process. Set in Glasgow, Scotland, it nevertheless has the capacity for easy reinterpretation anywhere on the globe. More information is available on the Plays Page of this site.