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About the Author...
Ron Culley is a full time author who lives in leafy suburbs of the city of Glasgow, Scotland with his wife and family. The proud father of four sons, four grandchildren and two dogs, his Who’s Who listing shows his hobbies inter alia as watching Association Football, irreverence, laughing out loud, contumacy and convivial temulence.
Ron Culley's books are read internationally and he's received appreciations from readers in each of the continents of the world... now including Antarctica following an enthusiastic message he received recently. His audience is somewhat bifurcated...some preferring his pawky Glasgow humour, recalling tales of the city of his birth...others more partial to his all-action thrillers. Whatever your fancy, his web site keeps avid readers up to date on new releases and occasional blogs as well as facilitating an exchange of comments and questions to the author.